Konstantinos and Dorina first saw each other back in November 2020, on a Sunday morning, while playing tennis in Kavouri. Konstantinos was obviously impressed by Dorina’s tennis skills and after a lengthy smooth texting process, managed to convince her to go on a first date. Inevitably, as the whole planet was still under a heavy lockdown, we decided to meet at the tennis court and have a “Covid-safe” date.
Being with each other was effortless and we immediately connected over our common interests and passions. We were also surprised that while we were in London, there was an abundance of places where we could have met as we used to hang out at the same places.
It didn’t take long to realize that our interests perfectly aligned and that we were made for each other so we tried to spend as much time together as we could. Of course, what better way to do this, other than moving in together. A little way down the road and after Konstantinos was already sure that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Dorina, a little poodle by the name of Fletcher joined their life.
Two years, four months and ten days after they first met, on a crisp Spring evening, in the heart of Tuscany, Konstantinos popped the question and Dorina with an uncontrollable laughter said the two most beautiful words in the English dictionary, “I do”.
We are looking forward to celebrating our special day with the people that matter most to us.